安意如 · 169人关注
英文版: If the Ronghua on the world turns bitter fleabane. Bang again the ascendancy of intense, is arriving to be returned finally to should vanish completely? What to contend for? What to fight? But, do not contend for do not fight, what does the person rely on living? The state of sages and men of virtue is worth belief admittedly, but after all, transcendental the person that joins emperor is too little.
火星文: 卋仩榮囮洳轉蓬。洅轟烮啲權勢,箌朂終還鈈昰偠煙消雲散仫?爭什仫?鬥什仫?鈳昰,鈈爭鈈鬥,囚靠什仫活著?聖賢啲境堺固然徝嘚信仰,但畢竟,超凡入聖啲囚呔尐。