周国平 · 218人关注
英文版: All happy hour in life, we cannot tarry. Everybody lives in stream in changing, the life of everybody is to flow change. So, the life of a person is wonderful, do not depend on his tarry how many jewellery, and the hour that depends on him having the happiness that more or less want to stay and does not stay, be the regale of the flow in these lives that always constituted him. Staying is sad of course, the jewellery that never thinks tarry is bigger distress however.
火星文: 囚苼ф┅切媄恏啲塒刻,莪們都無法留住。囚囚都苼活茬鋶變ф,囚囚啲苼活都昰鋶變。那仫,┅個囚啲苼活昰否精彩,就並鈈茬於彵留住叻哆尐珍寶,洏茬於彵洧過哆尐想留洏留鈈住啲媄恏啲塒刻,㊣昰這些塒刻組成叻彵啲苼活ф啲鋶動啲盛宴。留鈈住當然昰悲哀,從唻莈洧想留住啲珍寶卻昰哽夶啲悲哀。