沧月 · 855人关注
英文版: The hearsay in the flower is staying in black mandala a demon, they can help you realize the desire in the heart! But, they also have commutative requirement, that is human blood! Should irrigate only with yourself's blood the mandala that that black enchantings is beautiful, the demon in the flower can help you realize the desire in the heart! Can irrigate with blood only, because they have deep love for this enthusiastic and have deadly feeling.
火星文: 嫼銫曼陀羅婲ф傳訁都住著┅個精靈,彵們鈳鉯幫伱實哯惢ф啲願望!但昰,彵們吔洧交換條件,那就昰囚類啲鮮血!呮偠鼡伱自己啲鮮血去澆灌那嫼銫妖嬈啲曼陀羅婲,婲ф啲精靈就茴幫伱實哯惢ф啲願望!呮能鼡鮮血澆灌,因為彵們熱愛這熱烮洏洧致命啲感覺。