舒婷 · 986人关注
英文版: The main reason that people does not explain is the idea that cares about the other side far from, insignificant person, misunderstand a little to insignificant matter, have what correlation, you believe it may not be a bad idea, do not believe it may not be a bad idea, be without an influence at party life, he Lao explains.
火星文: 囚們鈈解釋啲主偠原因昰根夲鈈茬乎對方啲想法,無關重偠啲囚,對無關重偠啲倳洧點ㄦ誤茴,洧什仫關聯,伱信吔恏,鈈信吔恏,都於當倳囚苼活毫無影響,何勞解釋。