七堇年 · 642人关注
英文版: In the time that seems current to grow, the day of each beautiful jade is like a crystalline wave light, elapse calmingly distance, just see reef and eddy in the depth of riverbed only however, wait for one's chance plots against junior settleclear clear and ignorance. This is the art of days probably.
火星文: 似沝鋶長啲姩囮裏,烸┅個琳琅啲ㄖ孓都似┅爿粼粼啲波咣,平靜地鋶逝遠方,卻呮茬河床深處才見礁石囷漩渦,伺機暗算姩尐啲澄澈囷無知。這夶概就昰塒咣啲藝術。