郭台铭 · 702人关注
英文版: I do not know what is the leader of alleged success, but I know what is unsuccessful leader, namely: Not the leader of lead one's men in an act; When anything crops up the leader of shuffle; Expectation pleases the leader of everybody; Toward 9 evening the leader of 5; The leader that rewards and punishments does not distinguish.
火星文: 莪鈈知噵什仫昰所謂成功啲領導,但莪知噵什仫昰鈈成功啲領導,就昰:鈈身先壵卒啲領導;遇倳推諉啲領導;期望討恏烸個囚啲領導;朝九晚五啲領導;賞罰鈈汾啲領導。