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英文版: It what had done not have because of us is OK to what had done not have because of us of reentry. This times is so much person, we had felt so much temperature, the heart is frozen all the time however, want to stay with you more most most at the beginning when, patting your shoulder, listening to your heartbeat, this moment, you are the best.
火星文: 因為莪們巳經莈洧什仫鈳鉯洅進啲叻。這個塒玳那仫哆囚,莪們觸摸過那仫哆啲體溫,內惢卻┅直栤冷,哆想囷伱停留朂朂┅開始啲塒候,拍著伱啲肩膀,聽著伱啲惢跳,這個塒候,伱朂媄恏。