冲田总悟 · 456人关注
英文版: Abnormity young you had been surrounded, do not become meaningless resistance, good gracious surrender. The old mom of home town also is crying, giving birth to you to come out can not be to let you become this to plant of abnormity, no matter be it may not be a bad idea of person of abnormity it may not be a bad idea, letting the fellow that mom cries is the most inferior, whats does that mom say please.
火星文: 異形仔伱巳經被包圍叻,鈈偠做無謂啲抵抗,乖乖投降吧。鎵鄉啲咾媽媽吔茬哭泣哦,苼伱絀唻鈳鈈昰為叻讓伱當這種異形啲呐,鈈管昰異形吔恏囚吔恏,讓媽媽哭泣啲鎵夥昰朂低劣啲,那個媽媽吔請詤些什仫吧。