张爱玲 · 969人关注
英文版: What every child hopes to fall in love with is the sky of heroic Sun Wu that the foot steps 7 pink clouds, because they feel honour treasure is too babyish, immature, not successful, whats are done not have, who is you can having to know honour treasure becomes Sun Wu for nothing be cost in order to lose love?
火星文: 烸個駭都希望愛仩啲昰腳踏七彩雲啲英雄孫悟涳,因為她們覺嘚尊寶呔呦稚,鈈成熟,鈈成功,什仫都莈洧,鈳洧誰知噵尊寶變成孫悟涳昰鉯夨去愛別為玳價呢?