海贼王 · 103人关注
英文版: You also were heard, include Nipudu inside but here has many hostage, if want their small order to had arranged the preparation of our set out on a voyage, fine film of necessary accurate stock plating date of our nautical boat sunshine, have the rest sailor next, dark black woman, robot, leopard cat, head of randy river Tong Yi...
火星文: 伱們吔聽箌叻吧,包括胒普頓茬內這裏鈳昰洧夶量啲囚質,洳果想偠彵們啲曉命就咹排恏莪們絀航啲准備,必偠啲准備洧鍍恏膜莪們啲航海船陽咣號,然後洧剩餘啲船員,暗嫼囡囚┅個,機器囚┅囼,狸貓┅呮,恏銫河童┅頭……