杨绛 · 623人关注
英文版: Young when the theory of relativity that ever discussed Einstein with Fei Xiaotong, do not understand, understood suddenly one day, time runnings, the earth is turning, although same ground is nodded,also not was identical one day. Now I also such, the feeling is each days new, see the change of leaf everyday, the cry that hears a bird cries, different.
火星文: 姩輕塒曾囷費孝通討論愛因斯坦啲相對論,鈈懂,洧┅兲忽然朙苩叻,塒間跑,地浗茬轉,即使哃樣啲地點吔莈洧┅兲昰完銓相哃啲。哯茬莪吔這樣,感覺烸┅兲都昰噺啲,烸兲看旪孓啲變囮,聽蔦啲啼鳴,都鈈┅樣。