平凡的世界 · 846人关注
英文版: The life is good, life amid is so short. Since living, should live well. Miss the dear one that dies early, should cherish every hour of own life more, the dejected as good as on spirit at committing suicide. Normal like former days devoted life, even if is painful, also should be regarded as normal affection of the person, even it is to comprise a when we live happily to cannot lack the part that owe.
火星文: 苼活昰媄恏啲,苼命茬其間又昰洳此短促。既然活著,就應該恏恏地活。思念早逝啲儭囚,應該哽珍惜自己苼命啲烸個塒刻,精神仩啲消沉無異於自殺。像往ㄖ┅樣㊣瑺啲投入苼活吧,即便昰痛苦,吔應該被看做昰囚啲㊣瑺情感,甚至咜昰組成莪們圉鍢苼活啲┅個鈈鈳缺欠啲蔀汾。