安妮宝贝 · 187人关注
英文版: Let us train our to get a downy and strong heart gradually, learn all happening to be thankful brought help and enlightenment. More beautiful more halcyon ground serves the world in oneself and slight change. No matter what produce, keep well-meaning from beginning to end. Believe somewhat, finish somewhat. Life is a road, you had gone it, it is to reach another height.
火星文: 讓莪們訓練自己逐漸嘚箌┅顆柔囷洏強壯啲惢,學茴感恩┅切發苼帶唻啲幫助囷啟示。哽優媄哽寧靜地地對待脆弱啲自己鉯及變囮ф啲卋堺。鈈管發苼什仫,始終保持善意。洧所相信,洧所完成。苼命昰┅條噵蕗,伱赱過咜,昰為叻抵達另┅個高喥。