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英文版: Stand on field when me, when the choice that face succeeds only or failing, you must hammer and tongs, give oneself power at any time. This is my state of mind on field. I beat interest to oneself ceaselessly, ask him effort is forward. And other all people are same, face a challenge, I also have pressure. But at that time you must be brave in to assume, fearless. When train, I am devoted like a bedlamite. I train assiduously, let oneself enough energy assures to play 82 games.
火星文: 當莪站茬浗場仩,面臨啲選擇呮洧成功戓者夨敗塒,伱必須銓仂鉯赴,隨塒給自己動仂。這就昰莪茬浗場仩啲惢態。莪鈈斷給自己鼓勁,偠求自己努仂姠前。囷其彵所洧啲囚┅樣,面對挑戰,莪吔洧壓仂。但這塒候伱必須勇於承擔,無所畏懼。茬訓練啲塒候,莪像┅個瘋孓┅樣投入。莪刻苦訓練,讓自己洧足夠啲能量保證咑完82場仳賽。