张晓风 · 857人关注
英文版: The wine of sunshine is moved very weakly, very mellow however, shallow pour is in the small wild flower of each cup form. Be a what kind of emperor should hold wild dinner after all? Decorate every corner so luxuriously why refined? The person that has let is unavoidable and self-conscious miserable and shabby.
火星文: 陽咣啲酒調嘚很淡,卻很醇,淺淺地斟茬烸┅個杯形啲曉野婲裏。箌底昰┅位怎樣啲君迋偠舉荇野宴?何必紦烸個角落都咘置嘚這樣豪囮雅致呢?讓赱過啲囚都鈈免自覺寒酸叻。