安妮宝贝 · 499人关注
英文版: The container that enlarges oneself can assume more things. The life is very large stage, see the deduction of different person, you also can understand yourself more. Learn, to a few people, it is much a weapon that enhances ego. To a few people character, it is to walk up alone the road of pilgrim.
火星文: 擴夶自己啲容器就能承擔丅哽哆啲東覀。苼活昰很夶啲舞囼,看箌鈈哃啲囚啲演繹,伱吔茴哽加叻解自己。學習,對┅些囚唻詤,昰哆叻┅項增強自莪啲武器。對┅些囚洏訁,昰赱仩獨自朝聖啲噵蕗。