郭敬明 · 447人关注
英文版: I believe to the person that you love must be met on this world, he can pass through this worldly and billowy crowd, had gone one by one they, cherish a heart that beats forcibly, the love of the heat that holding have one's bosom filled with in both hands and heavy moves toward you to clutch you, you should wait.
火星文: 莪相信這個卋堺仩必須茴洧┅個伱愛啲囚,彵茴穿越這個卋間洶湧啲囚群,┅┅地赱過彵們,懷著┅顆鼡仂跳動啲惢贓,捧著滿腔啲熱囷沉甸甸啲愛赱姠伱抓緊伱,伱偠等。