小王子 · 544人关注
英文版: I should the behavior with her, is not everything what her utterance will judge her. She surrounds me with the body, enlighten my life, I should not leave her and go, I should be guessed early, in her the tenderness with not brillant trick backside the deepest under cover, the idea of flower always calls a person to guess not. I am too young. I do not know how to love her.
火星文: 莪應該鉯她啲荇為,洏鈈昰她啲訁語唻判斷她啲┅切。她鼡身體將莪包圍,照煷莪啲苼命,莪鈈應該離她洏去,莪早該猜箌,茬她並鈈高朙啲紦戲褙後隱藏著朂深啲溫柔,婲朵啲惢思總叫囚猜鈈透。莪呔姩輕叻。莪鈈知噵洳何愛她。