七堇年 · 197人关注
英文版: I am being worn, move bestrew pedicular robe, do not wash 19 years, when be close to the tail of 19, go before the face about on the journey of days is falling, such the youth that I see gladly experience passes is longer and longer, then the youth that oversight of deceive oneself ground goes is shorter and shorter.
火星文: 莪穿著,著咘滿虱孓啲袍孓,┿九姩鈈洗,茬接近┿九啲尾巴啲塒候,茬塒咣啲蕗途仩轉身倒著前荇,洳此莪便高興啲看箌經曆過啲圊春越唻越長,進洏掩聑盜鈴地忽略剩丅啲圊春越唻越短。