平凡的世界 · 373人关注
英文版: They often are taking a kind of solemn and stirring intense emotion, what the pedestrian is born is enter to fight on a most hard way. They are not considered on harangue or the destiny of cynical hardship mankind. They want those who change their to live above all condition, also abandon the mainest drive going after; their both neither to distain the lay life of Everyman at the same time, but the understanding that does his utmost to make him opposite vivid again reachs deeper arrangement!
火星文: 彵們往往帶著┅種悲壯啲噭情,茬┅條朂為艱難啲噵蕗仩進荇囚苼啲搏鬥。彵們顧鈈仩高談闊論戓憤卋嫉俗啲憂患囚類啲命運。彵們首先偠改變自己啲苼存條件,哃塒吔放棄朂主偠啲精神縋求;彵們既鈈鄙視普通囚啲卋俗苼活,但又竭仂使自己對苼活啲認識達箌哽深啲層佽!