史玉柱 · 336人关注
英文版: The most painful when, when pressure is the greatest, when there is a thing only inside brain, I enrol countrywide branch manager to door of the Beijing University below barren mountain foot that place, inside hostel, shut the door to attend a meeting in that place next. Everybody is critically I, critically 3 days of 3 night, I feel that is very useful.
火星文: 朂痛苦啲塒候,壓仂朂夶啲塒候,腦孓裏面呮洧┅件倳ㄦ啲塒候,莪紦銓國汾公司經悝招箌荒屾腳丅丠夶闁那個地方,招待所裏面,然後茬那個地方閉闁開批判茴。夶鎵批判莪,批判叻三兲三夜,莪覺嘚那個就很洧鼡。