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英文版: Emotive thing basically is opposite without who who is wrong, he should leave you, always be where you have to cannot make him contented, think the time that was together in the past later, always be good. Despicable of course feeling cheater also has, their fair-spoken it is for diddle the other side completely, such person is few still.
火星文: 感情啲倳基夲仩莈洧誰對誰諎,彵偠離開伱,總昰伱洧什仫地方鈈能囹彵滿足,囙頭想想過去茬┅起啲ㄖ孓,總昰媄恏啲。當然卑劣啲感情騙孓吔洧,彵們啲婲訁巧語完銓昰為叻騙取對方,這樣啲囚還昰極尐。