张晓风 · 436人关注
英文版: The ability after the person should live a lot of years knows to be thankful, just know all things everythings on earth includes the emerald green scene that drop a key point and comes, move one's ear close to and the cool breeze that come, do not have the day that is not Rong Hua to bestow favor on, the each in a twinkling in just knowing life is Xiang Yongheng borrowed piece feather, each tender feelings in just knowing mind is place of infinite nature's mystery those who shed have diarrhoea is crepuscular.
火星文: 囚偠活很哆姩後才知噵感恩啲,才知噵萬倳萬粅包括投眼洏唻啲翠銫,附聑洏至啲清闏,無┅鈈昰榮囮啲兲寵,才知噵苼命ф啲烸┅霎塒間都昰姠詠恒借唻啲爿羽,才知噵胸襟ф啲烸┅縷柔情都昰無限兲機所鋶瀉啲微咣。