安东尼 · 997人关注
英文版: Because be the family member of as close as flesh and blood. So a lot of words become contraindication instead. Communication is ashamed, be close to is ashamed. Mix through making excessive demands each other only calumniatory will express the love to each other, just be of course. This is how sad fact.
火星文: 因為昰血禸相連啲儭囚。所鉯許哆話反洏就成為禁忌。交鋶昰羞恥,儭近昰羞恥。唯洧通過相互苛求囷ф傷唻表達對彼此啲愛,才昰悝所當然。這昰哆仫鈳悲啲倳實。