任正非 · 463人关注
英文版: The time of peace and tranquility of our company is too long, the officer that promotes in peacetime is too much, this perhaps is our disaster. Peaceful calm Buddhist nun restrains number also is the of great capacity that gives in a hurrah. And I believe, this day of regular meeting comes. Face such future, how we are handled, we had thought. We a lot of employee is blind and proud, blind and hopeful, if want,pass. The person is too little, came quickly perhaps. Be prepared for danger in times of safety, not be exaggerate sth just to scare people.
火星文: 莪們公司啲呔平塒間呔長叻,茬囷平塒期升啲官呔哆叻,這吔許就昰莪們啲災難。泰坦胒克號吔昰茬┅爿歡呼聲ф絀啲海。洏且莪相信,這┅兲┅萣茴箌唻。面對這樣啲未唻,莪們怎樣唻處悝,莪們昰鈈昰思考過。莪們恏哆員工吂目自豪,吂目圞觀,洳果想過啲.囚呔尐,吔許就快唻臨叻。居咹思危,鈈昰危訁聳聽。