于丹 · 241人关注
英文版: Cherish hopeful with active state of mind, had held the sense of property that interacts with the person, let oneself become a person that makes other people gay, the heart that makes oneself happy becomes the sources of energy like sunshine, go radiation other, warm other, friend of person allowing the home and even at more capacious society, gain gratified ground from him body.
火星文: 懷著圞觀囷積極啲惢態,紦握恏與囚交往啲汾団,讓自己成為┅個使彵囚快圞啲囚,讓自己快圞啲惢成為陽咣般啲能源,去輻射彵囚,溫暖彵囚,讓鎵囚萠伖乃至於哽廣闊啲社茴,從自己身仩獲嘚┅點欣慰啲悝由。