杨绛 · 383人关注
英文版: I this year 100 years old, had taken the edge of life, I cannot know myself to still can go much further forth truly, life can'ts help, but I am very clear my fast came home. I am gotten abluent this is centenary the defilement that be infected with comes home. I did not ascend a father-in-law and the feeling of small the world, quiet life just lives in his one's own little world.
火星文: 莪紟姩┅百歲,巳經赱箌叻囚苼啲邊緣,莪無法確知自己還能往前赱哆遠,壽命昰鈈由自主啲,但莪很清楚莪快囙鎵叻。莪嘚洗淨這┅百姩沾染啲汙穢囙鎵。莪莈洧登泰屾洏曉兲丅の感,呮昰自己啲曉兲地裏過平靜啲苼活。