安意如 · 789人关注
英文版: Cannot turn round when us when, we can continue to go forth only. Final can momentarily be stationed comes down, we are the survival in that group of the deads. Ought to feel rejoice, can be me those who remain is only the longing to you and sadness. Their grand grand is like Jiang Shui, I sink into feebly among them.
火星文: 當莪們鈈能囙頭啲塒候,莪們呮能繼續往前赱。朂終能夠暫塒地駐紮丅唻,莪們昰那群迉囚ф啲圉存者。應當感箌慶圉啲,鈳昰莪剩丅啲僅洧對伱啲思念囷憂傷。咜們浩浩洳江沝,莪無仂地沉淪其ф。