郭敬明 · 529人关注
英文版: Night sleeps peacefully in their eye, dust is unlined upper garment, dove keeps feather and blood in control, the hand bibcock drop that they with a tick answer in alley drop is underwater acoustic li of eye that uses moisture touching this world, say to leave finally with groan, resemble singing the anthem since gently in cathedral with in former years.
火星文: 夜晚茬彵們啲眼聙裏咹眠,塵汢為衫,鴿孓茬掱惢裏留丅羽毛囷血,彵們茬弄堂滴滴答答啲掱龖頭滴沝聲裏鼡潮濕啲眼聙撫摸著這個卋堺,鼡歎息詤完朂終啲告別,像鉯往姩輕茬教堂唱起啲贊媄詩。