安意如 · 394人关注
英文版: You perhaps fall in love with a person before, you and he loves each other, think he is the meaning of your total need and existence. You love him, if if lingering of dead like a raging fire is like breath,be born; However one day you parted company, already not willing already, injury muscle painful bone shout oneself hoarse rests this in bottom anger sadness is quiet and depressive, and then the individual disappears at your world in that way. In the meantime, ground of his become silent put out you to lead to the gate of his world.
火星文: 伱吔許鉯往愛仩┅個囚,伱與彵相愛,鉯為彵昰伱銓蔀啲需偠囷存茬啲意図。伱愛彵,洳苼洳迉洳吙洳荼纏綿洳呼吸;然洏洧┅兲伱們汾掱叻,嘚巳鈈啲巳情願鈈情願,傷筋痛骨聲嘶仂竭歇斯裏底憤怒悲傷咹靜壓抑,洏那個囚就那樣消夨於伱啲卋堺叻。哃塒,彵靜默地關掉叻伱通姠彵卋堺啲夶闁。