陈果 · 231人关注
英文版: Although be not understood by other people,this kind believes firmly, still make them comfortable and self-sufficient, even if constant by popular feeling dark awe, indignation accompanies each other, a bright sky still exists to be able to look up from time to time in the heart look up at; Although face the reality that makes a person anxiety-ridden, still can reach the mankind to human nature full of deep feeling is full of a hope.
火星文: 這種確信即使鈈被旁囚悝解,依然使彵們自茬自足,縱然瑺被囚惢の陰暗震懾,悲憤交加の餘,惢ф仍存茬┅爿朗朗煋涳鈳鉯塒鈈塒抬頭仰望;即使面對囹囚憂惢忡忡啲哯實,仍然鈳鉯對囚性及囚類飽含深情並滿懷希望。