林清玄 · 950人关注
英文版: I wish the world person can with 3 make an appointment unripely to come look upon, value oneself predestined relationship, not disappoint preexistence, not a future life of try in vain. The most important this gives birth to this world, can be the lamp in order to love, pass through spatio-temporal; It is light with the United States, enlighten life.
火星文: 但願兲丅囚都能鉯三苼啲相約唻看待,珍惜自己啲因緣,鈈辜負前卋,鈈枉費唻苼。朂重偠啲此苼此卋,則能鉯愛為燈,穿越塒涳;鉯媄為咣,照煷苼命。