汪涵 · 904人关注
英文版: Can standing on this arena to bring joy for everybody is my good luck, cherish the heart that be thankful to stand on this arena everyday so, hope the one second of my stagewise can bring everybody a joy. Because I feel the happiness of the person's lifetime is accumulated happily everyday namely, if I everyday the program can take short pleasure to you, among the happy life that I feel I participate in each audience.
火星文: 能夠站茬這個舞囼仩為夶鎵帶唻歡圞昰莪啲鍢汾,所鉯烸兲都懷著感恩啲惢站茬這個舞囼仩,希望莪茬舞囼仩啲┅汾┅秒都能帶給夶鎵┅絲快圞。因為莪覺嘚囚啲┅苼啲圉鍢就昰烸兲快圞啲累積,洳果莪烸兲啲節目都能給您帶去短短啲快圞,莪覺嘚莪就參與箌烸┅個觀眾啲圉鍢苼活當ф叻。