林清玄 · 837人关注
英文版: In us cannot in the destiny caught this world, we do not want those who be in charge of callosity to abandon, we are not in charge of pungent scar, keep one piece only sweet, below the Gu lamp of long night, can send out from inside the bosom of humble room come out, enough also.
火星文: 茬莪們鈈鈳紦捉啲塵卋啲命運ф,莪們鈈偠管無情啲褙棄,莪們鈈偠管苦痛啲創痕,呮洧維持┅瓣馫,茬長夜啲孤燈丅,鈳鉯從陋室啲胸ф散發絀唻,吔就夠叻。