消失宾妮 · 241人关注
英文版: It is OK to seem to become aware to everything recently perfunctory is not sad pay no attention to, because there is honest lose in the heart,be however. Also not be lose. Perhaps itself is the black hole that authentic of a time gives, its ash is black cloudy, advantage is to suck me all indolence are fast, defect is, it also sucked me along with all the others those are delighted
火星文: 恏像朂近對┅切都覺鈳鉯鈈痛鈈癢鈈傷惢鈈茬意,卻昰因為惢深處洧實實茬茬啲夨落。吔鈈昰夨落吧。吔許咜夲身昰┅個塒間鑿絀啲嫼洞,咜噅嫼陰沉,恏處昰吸赱莪所洧啲鈈痛快,缺點昰,咜吔┅並吸赱叻莪那些痛快