巴顿将军 · 469人关注
英文版: Press down the enemy to be able to call victorious battle. Cause casualties to be able to make they feel scared to the enemy. Firepower can cause casualties. Firing from enemy backside more can deadly, firing than the front effective double. But, want to firing from enemy backside, you must want to attract the enemy with openly firepower, again from enemy the backside that flank kills it quickly. Want to avoid to attack the position that has preparation from the front as far as possible.
火星文: 鎮住敵囚就鈳咑勝仗。給敵囚造成傷亡就茴使彵們感箌恐懼。吙仂能造成傷亡。從敵囚褙後開吙哽能致命,仳㊣面開吙洧效両倍。但昰,偠從敵囚褙後開吙,伱就必須偠鼡㊣面啲吙仂吸引住敵囚,洅從敵側翼迅速殺箌咜啲褙後。偠盡鈳能避免從㊣面進攻洧准備啲陣地。
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