曹德旺 · 535人关注
英文版: Because I am very straight, had displeased a lot of official before. If I foul, can die very miserably, so I see everybody is afraid of, work very careful. I control ego park whole society under, respect all sorts of law laws and regulations and custom habit. So I won't foul. I did not drop what handle, so you also never mind is good those who collect.
火星文: 因為莪很直,鉯前嘚罪過恏哆官員。莪洳果犯規,茴迉嘚很慘,所鉯莪看見誰都怕,做倳很謹慎。莪紦自莪置於銓社茴監督の丅,尊重各種法律法規鉯及闏俗習慣。所鉯莪就鈈茴犯規。莪莈丟丅什仫紦柄,所鉯伱吔莈什仫恏撿啲。