丁蟹 · 686人关注
英文版: Call up your eldest child, I waited to talk with me in empress dining-room at 8 o'clock in the evening, it is you in one's childhood father does not have money to also want to take you to eat ice cream that. Decline with that the young is told, if enough firm takes neat forces, obtain a weapon, run to kill me.
火星文: 叫伱們咾夶唻,晚仩八點鍾茬瑝後餐廳等莪哏莪談談,就昰伱們曉塒候爸爸莈錢吔偠帶伱們吃雪糕啲那鎵。哏那個衰仔講,洳果夠狠就帶齊囚驫,拿仩武器,跑去殺迉莪。