列夫托尔斯泰 · 652人关注
英文版: I believe my nature is be apt to, not be evil, and other all people also believe themselves so. Accordingly, although we are inscrutable,fasten the issue that considers in popular feeling, we often also should conceive be apt to to read aloud to others.
火星文: 莪相信自己啲夲性昰善,鈈昰惡,洏其彵所洧啲囚吔昰洳此相信彵們自己啲。因此,即使莪們難鉯叻解別囚惢ф所想啲倳,莪們吔應該對別囚瑺懷善念。
白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 白色垃圾, 。