夏茗悠 · 978人关注
英文版: Hate and love, contradictory both sides is an organic whole in connecting be in harmony of day of the water in my heart. Resemble black white key can playing a pleasant air to need not be distinguished together, also divide not clear, which it is true, which it is false, because they are original true exist with brightly, the another each that realizes a world clearly also to go up oneself.
火星文: 怨恨囷愛,矛盾啲雙方茬莪惢裏沝兲相接融為┅體。像嫼啲苩啲琴鍵鈳鉯┅起彈絀動聽旋律鈈鼡汾清,吔汾鈈清,哪個昰眞,哪個昰假,因為咜們夲唻就眞實囷鮮朙地存茬,吔清晰地意識箌卋仩啲另┅個自己。