辛夷坞 · 554人关注
英文版: But he has made the preparation that sees two-phase be disgusted with however, no matter what has she done, want her to still be in only, even if be to complain associate from now on, also was to hit the lifetime ← that fast knot does not divide to nod below the astute calculate of Xue aunt say to be willing that is flashy, it is to succumb to read aloud at having an insatiable desire for really, that is corrupt have nothing to do loving-kindness and the past, not ask to the fault the ground leaves her beside forever however.
火星文: 鈳彵卻做恏叻相看両相厭啲准備,鈈管她做過什仫,呮偠她還茬,哪怕從此昰怨侶,吔昰咑叻迉結汾鈈開啲┅苼←茬薛阿姨啲精朙算計丅點頭詤願意啲那┅瞬間,啲確昰屈垺於貪念,那貪無關恩情囷前塵,洏昰鈈問對諎地詠遠紦她留茬身邊。