李开复 · 348人关注
英文版: The dream that uses you and dream lead your lifetime, want to use the state of mind that is thankful to aid person oneiromancy sincerely to lead your lifetime, want not to have the mood with upbeat dread to lead your lifetime with persistence. If you accomplished these, predestined relationship can give you all your place due.
火星文: 鼡伱啲夢想囷夢想引領伱啲┅苼,偠鼡感恩眞誠助囚圓夢啲惢態引領伱啲┅苼,偠鼡執著無懼圞觀啲態喥引領伱啲┅苼。洳果伱做箌叻這些,因緣茴給伱┅切伱所應嘚啲。