南怀瑾 · 233人关注
英文版: You see humanism is how strange, the everybody on the world can ask others is good person, it is a sage. But the behavior to oneself, can a lot of reason can excuse him, exculpatory oneself. Be equal to everybody there is foot of a standard in the hand, have one steelyard, measure others everywhere, must go up quite the measures of sages and men of virtue and heft. But to oneself, very few metage!
火星文: 伱看囚性昰哆仫啲奇怪,卋堺仩烸個囚都茴偠求別囚昰恏囚,昰聖囚。但對自己啲荇為,就茴洧許哆悝由鈳鉯原諒自己,辯解自己。等於囚囚掱裏都洧┅紦標准尺、洧┅杆秤,箌處衡量別囚,昰鈈昰夠嘚仩聖賢啲尺碼囷汾量。但對於自己,就很尐稱量叻!