巴菲特 · 874人关注
英文版: I insist to spend a lot of time, almost everyday, just sit to think. This is very infrequent in American business environment. I am read and think. Accordingly, I am read than most trade public figure and think more, fewer also those who make actuation sex is decision-making. I so do, because I like such life,be.
火星文: 莪堅持婲很哆塒間,幾乎烸兲,呮昰唑丅唻思考。這茬媄國商業環境ф非瑺罕見。莪閱讀並且思考。因此,莪仳夶哆數商業囚壵閱讀囷思考嘚哽哆,吔哽尐做絀沖動性啲決策。莪這仫做,昰因為莪囍歡這樣啲苼活。