川端康成 · 245人关注
英文版: The coal oil lamp in cabin went out. The unripe fishiness on the boat and tidewater flavour become more dense. In darkness, temperature warmth of the teenager is worn I. Spring of tear of my at one's convenience is billowy. If my brains suddenly turned one pool into clear water, excessive of a drop come out, whats did not stay later, feel free from worry immediately.
火星文: 船艙裏啲煤油燈熄滅叻。船仩啲苼鱻菋囷潮沝菋變嘚哽加濃重。茬嫼暗ф,尐姩啲體溫溫暖著莪。莪任憑淚灥洶湧。莪啲頭腦恍洳變成叻┅池清沝,┅滴滴溢叻絀唻,後唻什仫都莈洧留丅,頓塒覺嘚舒暢叻。