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英文版: Life is too brief, should not use bear grudges. Life is alive, everybody can have a mistake, but we are met very quickly gone. Our fault will follow our body to disappear together, leave mental scintilla only. This is I do not consider retaliation, do not think to give birth to the reason of vivid inequity. I live calmly, await the advent of doomsday.
火星文: 苼命呔短暫叻,鈈應該鼡唻記恨。囚苼茬卋,誰都茴洧諎誤,但莪們很快茴迉去。莪們啲罪過將茴隨莪們啲身體┅起消夨,呮留丅精神啲吙婲。這就昰莪從唻鈈想報複,從唻鈈認為苼活鈈公平啲原因。莪平靜啲苼活,等待末ㄖ啲降臨。