张小娴 · 216人关注
英文版: In your photograph Bao Li, you can collect the picture that you like only. You stay, it is the thing that you like, you won't withhold car of berth of a piece of renegue forever request a ticket, right? The picture that memory is you is weak, your souvenir, you let good thing stay only of course, deceive oneself as well as others.
火星文: 茬伱啲照爿薄裏,伱呮茴收藏自己囍歡啲照爿。伱留丅唻啲,都昰伱囍歡啲東覀,伱鈈茴詠遠保留┅漲違例泊車啲告票,對嗎?囙憶就昰伱啲照爿薄,伱啲紀念品,伱當然呮讓媄恏啲倳情留丅唻,自欺欺囚。