俞敏洪 · 848人关注
英文版: Be in with boss be apt to 3 should criterion: Boss not the person of infer came, you want to be able to decline to meet a guest; Boss by not the person of infer is surrounded, you want to be able to be saved drive; Boss should is the same as already not the person of infer meets, cannot be pestered by them again, you want to be able to be protected drive
火星文: 與仩司善處三偠則:仩司鈈想見啲囚唻叻,伱偠茴擋駕;仩司被鈈想見啲囚圍住,伱偠茴救駕;仩司既偠哃鈈想見啲囚見面,又鈈能被彵們糾纏,伱偠茴護駕