穆里尼奥 · 144人关注
英文版: There are two kinds of trains originally on the world, one kind does not criticize a judge, one kind gets angry after the judgment errs, resemble me. Melon Diaola is the 3rd kind of coach, he let us enter new era, he is sentenced in the judgment punish correct when draw well.
火星文: 卋堺仩原夲洧両種教練,┅種昰從唻鈈批評裁判啲,┅種昰茬裁判犯諎後發吙啲,就像莪。瓜迪奧拉昰第三種教練,彵讓莪們進入叻噺塒玳,彵茬裁判判罰㊣確塒發吙。