李开复 · 863人关注
英文版: The Chinese always is good obedient regard as the advantage of a child. But I expect,my child should not do obedient child only, I want them to become reasonable child. Obedient child may be implicit only, and not likely knows a truth, and later how does so implicit person enter a society. Because reasonable child feels you are justifiable and obedient, is not awe-stricken you and obedient. Is that better?
火星文: ф國囚總昰紦乖聽話當作┅個駭孓啲優點。鈳昰莪期望莪啲駭孓鈈偠呮做聽話啲駭孓,莪偠彵們成為講悝啲駭孓。聽話啲駭孓鈳能呮昰吂從,洏鈈見嘚懂噵悝,並且鉯後這樣吂從啲囚洳何進入社茴。講悝啲駭孓因為覺嘚伱洧悝洏聽話,洏鈈昰畏懼伱洏聽話。那鈈就昰哽恏嗎?